--- --- THEME PAGE TEMPLATE File --- --- --- themepage_template.txt --- --- This Template file includes everything neccessary --- to control the look, format, and structure of every --- Theme page in your Link Directory. --- --- This file, as is, creates a Link Directory similiar --- to the default Link Directory Zeus creates without --- Templates. Edit the Templates to customize your --- directory. --- --- This is an example of a DataTag: <|TITLE|>. DataTags --- are enclosed in "<|" and "|>", compared to basic HTML --- code enclosed in "<" and ">". These --- tags will be replaced with data when the directory --- is created. These tags may be deleted and replaced --- with HTML code depending on your requirements. Most --- tags should be self-expanatory. --- --- Remarks and Comments --- --- Lines in this file beginning with "---" will NOT --- be included in the HTML output. These lines serve --- as remarks or comments to help you to understand --- the various tags, commands and sub-templates in --- this Template file. --- --- The remaining text in this file: HTML tags, text, --- javascript, etc. will be used to create each page --- and/or included in the Link Directory pages. --- --- By using a combination of DataTags and HTML code, --- you control where and if data from your ThemeSite --- database is displayed on your Link Directory --- Theme pages. Combined with editable HTML included --- in this Template file, you can adapt the Link --- Directory to any format required. --- --- The variables at the bottom of this page control --- the global characteristics of both the Theme --- pages and the ThemeIndex page. --- --- Most code, DataTags and SubTemplates may be moved around the --- file to change their placement on the directory pages. --- The 10 Listings SubTemplates should be kept together. --- More on these below. --- --- The next line after these remarks, will be the first --- line used to create your Link Directory pages. Notice --- these lines are basic HTML code. --- --- --- The following DataTag inserts a Title consisting --- of the Link Directory name plus the Page Theme. --- i.e. "My Link Directory - ThisTheme" --- <|TITLE|> --- --- Inserts automatic meta tags using the Theme words as --- the keywords in the keyword meta tag and the Link --- Directory Title plus the Theme Page as the Description. --- <|META_TAGS|> --- --- Reads and inserts the contents of the HEAD file: --- c:\Program Files\Zeus\links\misc\HEAD.txt --- <|HEAD|> --- --- --- Creates a HTML tag using the background image --- url setting in View/Options/Email Tab as the background. --- Replace this tag with HTML code to match the design of --- your website. --- <|BODY_TAG|> --- --- Adds the contents of the Header file: --- c:\Program Files\Zeus\links\misc\headerinfo.txt --- <|HEADER|> --- --- Delete the dashes --- in front of the HTML code, following this remark, --- if you are using a Top Image --- ---
--- The following LINES of HTML code, inserts the Theme Page --- Titles into each page of your Link Directory. The DataTag --- <|THEME_PAGE_TITLE|> will be replaced with the Theme name. --- Editing the code before and after the DataTag allows you --- control over the look of the Theme Page Titles. ---


--- The following <|TIER_LEVEL_STRING|> tag displays the Directory structure --- You can add any html coding before and after the tag. <|TIER_LEVEL_STRING|>
--- The following tag will display the sub children/pages <||NavBarSubTemplate IncludeIfMoreThan="0" ThemeDelimiter=" " CharacterBetweenThemeAndNumber="" Mode="LinkMenu"||>
--- --- The following tag displays the total number of ThemeSites ---

<|Distinct_Link_Total|> Distinct Links

--- The following <||NavBarSubTemplate||> SubTemplate creates --- a NavBar or Directory Navigation bar. If you are using version 2.10 --- these will work but will only show up if there are sub children (pages) --- If you want to show your entire directory on a NavBar, add the following --- NavBar variable to the NavBar command line: --- --- ShowEntireDir="TRUE" --- --- --- The NavBarSubTemplate is the first of many SubTemplates. --- A SubTemplate is different from a DataTag. DataTags replace --- themselves with data from the ThemeSite database while --- SubTemplates are lines of code enclosed in SubTemplate --- tags that describe their use. i.e. <||NavBarSubTemplate||>. --- The code between the SubTemplate tags may or may not be --- used by the Zeus application during the creation of your --- Link Directory. In the case of the NavBarSubTemplate, --- the code between the tags will always be used. SubTemplates --- are enclosed in "<||" and "||>" --- --- The NavBar SubTemplate contains variables that control the --- output of the NavBar. --- --- IncludeIfMoreThan="0" - This controls whether to include --- the NavBar depending on the number of listings in the --- ThemePage. If 0, it will always be included. If 3, then --- it will be included if the number of ThemeSites for each --- Theme is greater than 3. --- --- ThemeDelimiter="|" - This allows the charactor between --- each individual Theme listing to be changed if needed. --- --- CharacterBetweenThemeAndNumber="_" - This is the charactor --- that appears between the Theme and the number of ThemeSites --- in that Theme Page. If "", then no numbers or Distinct --- Total is included. --- --- Mode="LinkMenu" --- --- "LinkMenu" - the default NavBar with rows of Themes --- --- "LinkList" - A list of Themes one on top of each other --- with links to the Theme Pages. --- --- "JavaGoSelect" - A Javascript drop-down selection box. When --- selected, the browser is autoloaded with the selected --- Theme page. --- If you want to use this navbar below delete the three dashes before each line of code --- --- <||NavBarSubTemplate IncludeIfMoreThan="0" ThemeDelimiter=" | " CharacterBetweenThemeAndNumber="_" Mode="LinkMenu"||> ---
--- --- <|NavBar|> --- ---
--- <||/NavBarSubTemplate||> --- This creates a comment tag using the Theme word as a comment. --- Some Search Engines place importance to comment tags. --- <|THEME_COMMENT|> --- --- THEMESITE LISTINGS SUBTEMPLATES --- --- The next 10 SubTemplates are used to create the ThemeSite --- listings. The first 5 create the listings for Link Partners. --- The last 5 are for the Other Important Links. Each set of 5 --- are included if there are any listings for that category. --- --- The Title SubTemplate is included at the top of the Link --- Partner listings. --- <||LinkPartnerTitleSubTemplate||>
Please support our Link Partners by visiting them.
--- This SubTemplate is the actual code that creates the main --- part of the listing. The DataTags are replaced with fields --- from the ThemeSite database. This SubTemplate is used for --- every Link Partner listing. --- --- <||LinkPartnerListingSubTemplate||>
<|#PAGES|> pages found, <|#HYPERLINKS|> links found, <|SCORE|> score <|URL|> <||/LinkPartnerListingSubTemplate||> --- If a banner image is stored for a particular ThemeSite, --- the following code is added ALWAYS directly after the --- Listing SubTemplate above. --- <||LinkPartnerBannerSubTemplate||>
<|TITLE|> <||/LinkPartnerBannerSubTemplate||> --- If a comment is stored for a particular ThemeSite, the --- following code is added ALWAYS directly after the banner --- image and/or Listing SubTemplate above. --- <||LinkPartnerCommentsSubTemplate||>
<|COMMENT|> <||/LinkPartnerCommentsSubTemplate||> --- This code is ALWAYS included at the end of each --- ThemeSite's listing. --- <||LinkPartnerEndSubTemplate||>


--- The following 5 SubTemplates are included when there are --- Other Important Links to be listed. They work eactly the --- same as the Link Partners described above except for --- Other Important Links. --- <||OtherLinksTitleSubTemplate||>
Other important links.
<|#PAGES|> pages found, <|#HYPERLINKS|> links found, <|SCORE|> score <|URL|> <||/OtherLinksSubTemplate||> <||OtherLinksBannerSubTemplate||>
<|TITLE|> <||/OtherLinksBannerSubTemplate||> <||OtherLinksCommentsSubTemplate||>
<|COMMENT|> <||/OtherLinksCommentsSubTemplate||> <||OtherLinksEndSubTemplate||>


--- This creates a comment tag using the Theme as a comment --- for better placement on the Search Engines that place --- importance to them. --- <|THEME_COMMENT|> --- Lower Navbar - see NavBar above for detail information. --- <||NavBarSubTemplate IncludeIfMoreThan="8" ThemeDelimiter=" | " CharacterBetweenThemeAndNumber="_" Mode="LinkMenu"||>
<||/NavBarSubTemplate||> --- Appears on all Theme pages to provide a link to the Link --- Directory guidelines located on themeindex.html ---

Information on adding your web site to our Link Directory
--- Copyright notice ---

--- Legal Disclaimer ---

These web site links are listed as a convenience to our visitors. If you use these links, we take no responsibility and give no guarantees, warranties or representations, implied or otherwise, for the content or accuracy of these third-party sites.
--- The next four groups insert a link to cyber-robotics.com --- 3 of them are remarked out. You only need to use one. --- --- Inserts a banner link to cyber-robotics.com

--- --- You may also use one of the following 3 links to cyber-robotics.com --- --- Inserts a text link to cyber-robotics.com ---
--- <|ZEUS_LINK|> ---

--- Inserts a distributor text link to cyber-robotics.com ---

--- Inserts a distributor banner link to cyber-robotics.com ---

--- --- Adds the contents of the Footer file: --- c:\Program Files\Zeus\links\misc\footerinfo.txt --- <|FOOTER|> --- DO NOT DELETE anything below this line. --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- The following are parameters for the creation of the Link Directory. --- Do not change these settings unless you know what you are doing :-) --- --- If you change the themeindex name to something else, then want to change it again, --- make sure you take a note of the previous name. You must then open --- the Directory Manager. A window will pop up asking for the previous name. --- PageExtension=".html" LinkDirectoryFolder="links" ThemeIndex="themeindex" --- --- The data field the link listings are sorted by or Ordered By. --- Possible choices: Title, DateFound, Description, --- Score, DateEmailSent, NumberPagesFound, NumberPagesLoaded, --- NumberHyperlinksFound, ReviewComments --- OrderBy="Title" --- --- Sets the listings' sort as ASC or DESC (ascending or descending) --- SortOrder="ASC" --- --- If DisplayPages='yes' and you create a link directory, --- the directory pages will be created & loaded into --- the Upload Viewer browser. This facilitates editing --- of this text file by easily viewing it. --- DisplayPages="no"